California leads environmental clean-up actions, and we are proud to be a part of these activities to aid future generations.  The county of Sacramento and the city of Rancho Cordova have initiated a long-planned remediation of the Inactive Rancho Cordova Test Site and White Rock Dump #1, and White Rock Dump #2 at the prior Aerojet site.  Following years of disposal of household garbage in the 1950’s at both dump sites, the burned remnants of rusted cans, glass bottles, ceramics, small automotive parts, locomotive debris, ash, and other refuse are being aggregated and capped to minimize future impact to the environment.  Nichelini Engineering is renting our 40’ X 12’ portable Rice Lake Weighing Systems ATV truck scale to measure the loads being hauled by 35-ton Caterpillar articulated dump trucks.  Knowing what is moved and measured is imperative in environmental clean-ups, and we are pleased to be a part of the effort.